Eclectic Healer
Holistic Therapist
Ceremonial Leader
Medicine Woman
Teacher & Yogi
Namaste & Welcome!
LA #0393
I have been a licensed and practicing therapist since 1991. I AM one of the first 400 licensed practitioners in Louisiana! Allow my lifelong journey to support you.
The Sofiya Experience
Touching Every Aspect of Your Spiritual Journey - Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, & Energetically!

Discovery, Connection, & Expression
Namaste, Hello & Welcome to my space!
I AM Sofiya, Rising Phoenix, she/her/they, and some may know me as Noura and/or Kaye. My mission is to support those whom wish to rediscover themselves through a deeper connection to Self. The goal is to enable full expression of your Divine Nature to flourish. I do this through Body Work, Energetic Support, Spiritual Ceremony, Plant Medicine, & Tantric Work. Whether working individually or within a group, I utilize over 30 years of experience and knowledge gained to support the journey for all who are willing to dig deeper and reach higher.